What time is sunset today

December 13, 2022
What time is sunset today

What time does the sun rise today?!

The gloomy weather of late almost made you forget the presence of the Sun, the one who generously pours his rays on the Earth. In fact, you miss him more than ever and yearn for a clear day, not to mention that a sunrise would fill your soul with beauty. This inspired us to offer you some information about what time the sun rises today and more!

Where does the sun first rise on the globe?

If you didn’t have the chance to catch a sunrise today, you still can’t help but wonder where it would be on Earth where it makes its appearance for the first time. You probably have an answer in your mind, and that would be Japan, because it’s not called the Land of the Rising Sun for nothing? In fact, it is not a race, just like the inhabitants of Alaska – and who vehemently claim that justice is on their side, should not claim this credit. If you didn’t know, those who live in the northern part of New Zealand would be the lucky ones who saw the first sunrise today.

sunset today

Sunrise hours on the Globe

Obviously, we would like to give you a short answer to the question related to sunrise hours on the Globe. Things are a little more complicated, because there are many factors that need to be explained and understood. You can better search directly on the Internet for the answer to the question “at what time does the sun rise in location X”, because it is simpler. We do this when we go on vacation, because we like to catch the sunrise today in places we’ve never been before. Don’t you want to try such an experience?

Does the sun always rise in the East?

Currently, we don’t even think that the sun could rise from another cardinal point, so the above question seems somewhat…childish. It all depends on the rotation of the earth, which is towards the East. It seems that many years ago this movement would have been in the opposite direction, and the sun would have risen from a cardinal point that we now associate with sunset. However, there is no need to think about such a thing, but take advantage of as many sunrises as possible!

Where does the sun last set?

If we denied the chance to the inhabitants of Alaska to be the first to experience the sunrise, we offer them the one of the sunset. Exactly, on the island of Attu in Alaska, the star of the day casts its last ray towards the Earth, before rising again, as impressive as every time.
Now, we can discuss a lot about beautiful places from where you can admire the sunrise, what time the sun rises in our country depending on the season, but all these are just simple details. Better admire the special beauty that appears before your eyes with every ray of sunshine that touches the earth and you will feel that happiness is closer to you than you think!